Go Green! Receive Your Water Bill Electronically
June 08, 2022
Rural Water District #1 is pleased to offer a paperless billing option, saving our customers time and money. Instead of receiving a paper bill, you can sign up to receive your bill electronically via e-mail.
The E-bill will contain the same information that you are accustomed to seeing on your paper bill. The bill date, due date, amount due and other information will be the same.
Sign up Today! The process is simple!
To get started, just send your request as an e-mail with your name and account number(s) to: office@frcorwd1.org.
Please indicate if you want e-mail only OR e-mail and a paper bill.
***Remember, if your email address changes, it is your responsibility to notify the District of your new e-mail address.
***You are responsible for ensuring timely payment of all bills and applicable late payment fees, regardless of delivery method or technical issues preventing the delivery of electronic bills.